Talk to our experts!

We repair various parts and sub-assemblies for induction heating systems.

Simply send your parts to our workshops for a diagnosis allowing encryption and repair:

You have defective spare parts?
We repair your spare parts in our workshop.

The manufacturer of your induction heating system has informed you of the obsolescence of some parts?
We have developed the solutions to allow you to use your facility with confidence.
Réparation-inducteur-ponsage-décapage-inducteur-revêtement cuivre-entretien-induction-industrie 1

Sanding on an inductor

You are planning to acquire a used facility ?

The transfer of an induction heating system from one site to another must be carried out with care and vigilance in order to obtain the expected results when starting up.

In the event that the installation is no longer in production at the time of acquisition, it is essential to carry out a complete refurbishment of the equipment in order to guarantee its proper functioning over several years. We are able to carry out this type of operation.

Our repairs range from the electronic part to the refractory elements of the inductors, passing by the automatisms and relays, without forgetting the cooling systems. Our repairs range from the electronics to the refractory elements of the inductors, to the automation and relaying, and the cooling systems.

A brief overview of our successes :