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Among the sealing processes, induction heating offers great advantages over non-electric methods. Indeed, induction is the most appropriate technique for sealing plastic and glass packaging because it allows to:
  • Maintainquality of packagedproducts

  • Guaranteetheirlifetime

  • Maintain organoleptic characteristics and product protection (spills,theft, rust, etc.).

The main advantages :

  • Easyintegration on production lines

  • Control of the process

  • Faster production lines

  • Heatsthroug the lid (aluminium lid) without damaging the packaging and his content.

Les industries utilisant cette technique sont l’agroalimentaire, la pharmacie, les cosmétiques et les lubrifiants. The industrie using this technic are agrobusiness, the pharmacy, cosmetics and lubrican.

Some examples of applications…

Tubes : toothpaste tubes, lubrican tubes
Food: Yoghurt ,bottle, cans etc…
Cardboard box withaluminium

Industries related :

Food industry